Daily Deals

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

I Am Not A Guru!

This blog post is the first in a series of my ramblings regarding online selling that I have decided to start.

I currently sell on multiple websites and by comparison to many I'm just the "small guy" who is retired and sells online to supplement my pension. However, I do believe that what I have learned over the last five years can be of benefit to all sellers at any level.

With that being said, let me say right off the bat...... I AM NOT A GURU!  There are many others out there who are, or proclaim to be, online selling experts or gurus.

While some of them have earned that status with their vast experience and knowledge of ecommerce, others will tell you that they are experts in the art of selling online, will offer to sign you up to one of their expensive classes and in the end be selling you information that is readily available to everyone, online and for free.

I have surrounded myself with many successful sellers and am member of many online selling groups on Facebook and also help to administer in some of these great informative groups.

In the future, I will share some great tips on shipping and how to save money with your shipping. We'll touch a bit about social media, listing practices, SEO, pluses and minuses about the different selling platforms and just about anything else I can come up with.

I need to warn you, I'm not a writer. This part does not come easy to me. It takes a lot for me to get inspired to sit down in front of the computer and just write.

While I would like to do theses on a consistent basis, I doubt that will happen.  There won't be any rhyme or reason to the order of my post.

You will get what I'm thinking about at the time I post. I may even drift from time to time and post about something that has nothing at all to do with selling online.

My post will be short and to the point (most of the time). I like to use visuals and sometimes do videos as well.

Thank you for reading my  inner babble and please follow me by clicking like on facebook and signing up for a notification when I have posted something on this blog.

I always look forward to your comments, good or bad and if you have any questions please feel free to ask!  You never know when my next topic will come from!!


  1. I am looking forward to your posts, whenever they happen.

  2. Congratulations on your first blogpost!

  3. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!

  4. Im all ears or will that be eyes and ears, can't wait to read your posts.

  5. Great job! Even small fish like us have plenty to offer the online selling community :)

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